7 common mistakes to every beginer programmer

Programming are use for software development, web development and app development etc. When first learning to code
It's important to know what is right and wrong Knowing mistakes coders make, and how to avoid them, can help you build a better foundation in your programming. Here are 7 very common mistakes to avoid.

(1)Not using comment

          Use comments! Comments are the documentation of your code. They’re the best way to describe what exactly is happening in your code as it grows. Sure, it seems a little bit more work to explain your code but you will be thanking yourself later.

Write a brilliant function? Write a comment about what it does. Creating a new object template for Object-Oriented Programming? Break it down with a comment. Comments are used in every language, and they are there for a reason.

Comments make your code cleaner, easier to navigate and make you the hero to the next developer that may need to work on your project.

(2) Programming overloaded

A problem that seems to overload growing developers is the barrage of new languages and technologies. Online developer communities are full of questions about language choices.

Should I write in my app in JavaScript, or should I use a framework like Node.JS or Express? Should I use Python, Scala, or Ruby for development? C or C++ or C#? Which framework is best? Should I learn MongoDB or SQL or SQLite for a database? Is this language outdated??

Don’t worry about that.

Step back, focus on the basics. Languages come and go, but the most successful developers are problem solvers. Build your programming on algorithmic thinking and everything else will fall into place.

These technologies are just tools and if you know what the problems are, you will know which tool to use to solve them.

(3) Written complicated code

          Coding is not an IQ test. It’s not a challenge to see who can use the most intricate functions or impressive looking files. The code should be written in the spirit of solving problems efficiently. Simple code is easier to write, easier to maintain, and easier to manage.

To be clear, simple code does not mean taking shortcuts. Simple code means getting down to the heart of the problem you want to solve, and solving it effective

(4) Not asking questions

          Programming is hard to do well, and getting better means learning new things constantly. The best thing you can do is read and study programming to get better, but when you need some additional guidance do not be afraid to ask questions.

Asking questions can be intimidating, but most veteran programmers are glad to share knowledge and ideas.

Just make sure you’ve done your research and have given it a real effort. Experienced developers are more likely to mentor you if they see you’re dedicated to learning. 

(5) Not planning advance

      Writing effective software starts with good planning and design. If you wanted to build a house you would draw up a blueprint before building. Programming is no different.

Before you even write one line of code, identify what you actually want to accomplish. Know what the problem is, how you want to solve it. If you try and figure problems out while you’re writing code, you may find yourself missing the right solutions.

Separate the problem solving from the coding and life is good.

(6) Using bad variable names        

          Variables are essential in programming no matter which language you’re working in. Because they are so widely used, it’s important to have good habits naming variables.

Variables should be named accurately and neatly. Avoid using general terms that don’t mean anything. It’s quick and easy to throw something together, but when you need to come back to your code later it makes it much more difficult to figure out what is going on.

Let’s say you’re writing a program that uses an interest rate to make a calculation. You write a variable to use in the program.

                      Let name='John'

All we really know about this variable is that it’s a rate. What kind of rate?

The code will work just fine, but it’s hard to tell what is going on here.Instead, name your variables more clearly.

                        Let your_name='John'

(7) Not having fun

Programming can be challenging, frustrating, and can sometimes be a downright grind. Make sure you enjoy the little things that you love about coding and don’t forget to have a little fun.

Whether you got into it to solve complex problems, build beautiful designs, or just to learn a new skill use what you love to keep you going. There’s a lot to love about coding so get inspired! Get excited to make something new, and see it through to the end.
